Quickies: My Rant on Life on the Road with Cable TV
I cut the cord years ago; I haven't had cable TV in my home for almost a decade now. So having cable on the road should be a treat, right? Not really. This is gonna sound old and stuffy but seriously, when did almost every cable outlet revert to asinine reality TV shows? The History Channel? Bravo? I used to enjoy those channels (somewhat). Also, if I see another CSI/NCIS/police procedural marathon I think I'm gonna hurl. I find myself inordinately fond of The Weather Channel. (Fun fact-all the motels I stayed in had TWC on in their breakfast room. Evidently it is the non-threatening background soundscape of the modern age.)
Friday looks like a good day for BBQ. Photo by NLB Creations.
Many years ago a gentleman with the unfortunate name of Newton Minow decried television as it was. Today he'd be horrified. Vast wasteland, indeed.