This Week's Thank-yous

Okay, so I haven't posted thank-yous in fifteen days.  I've got a lot of mileage to make up for.  My thanks to Nancy Leavy for yet another wonderful financial contribution.  (Please see my post from September 23 for information about Nancy.)  Thanks again, Nancy!

Another one of my lovely financial backers is one of my oldest friends, Jacqueline Cunningham. I've known her since Mr. Smith's American Studies class in the Eighth Grade, where of course, she kicked my ass academically.  Since then she has taught me among other things, how to create the perfect espresso latte, how to find the perfect apartment on the cheap, and ironically how to camp.  She is now the co-chair of the English Language Learners department at Harold Washington College in Chicago.  I love you, Spot!  

Christine Jo Geymer, also a very old friend, has also elected to help me financially on my endeavor.  I've known her since I was six and since then have done everything from travel Italy with her to watching a Prince movie in Grant Park.  Love you and thank you so much!

Thank you Sue Bailey for your financial support as well!  I've known her as long as I have known Chris, since they are sisters.  For most of my adult life she has lived in Montana and is currently the manager of the Montana Adult and Disability Resource Center in Billings, a tough, challenging, but no doubt rewarding job.  

Lastly, I want to thank the continued support of my friend Shelagh Nikkel, massage therapist par excellence.  She has not only been a fantastic resource for all things camping, but she has contributed materially by buying me things like waterproof boots, a camping kitchenware set and most importantly, an annual pass to the U.S. National Parks.  She has done all of this for me with an open heart, all the while (unknowingly) suffering from a brain tumor.  I am pleased to report that in the past couple of weeks she has survived a surgery to take her tumor out, even walking around and joking the next day.  If anyone can stare down a brain tumor and succeed with flying colors, it's you, Shelagh.  I love you.  Thank you.