Bartman is Running in Marengo

The Cubs are in the Series.

I still don't believe it.  The last time the Cubs were in the series, 1945, we had just bombed the stuffing out of Japan, ending World War Two.  Jim Crow was still in effect in the South.  Our current president, Mr. Obama had yet to be born in a state that wasn't even a state yet.  (Yes, I mean Hawaii you nerds.)  The last time the Cubs won the series, 1908, Empress Dowager Cixi was still on the imperial throne of China.  We only had 47 states.  World Wars One and Two had yet to be fought. THEODORE Roosevelt was our president.

Anyway, my point is, its been a long time.  The last time the Cubs even hinted at getting this far, a guy named Steve Bartman had the unfortunate luck of catching a fly ball, effectively ending all hopes of a Cubs hope to get into the Big Dance, (or so as some fans say, I think the Cubs just performed their seasonal swoon at that point).  

What happened to Bartman?  He's keeping hidden.  But an unfortunately named man with the same last name, John Bartman, is running for the Illinois House of Representatives in McHenry County.  I saw the signs everywhere in Marengo as I was skipping town.  I'm not sure what that will do to his campaign.  Who knew the Cubs would make it this far?    

Selfie of me at Little Cubs Field, Freeport, IL

Selfie of me at Little Cubs Field, Freeport, IL

Potato Chips & Tents

Ready for the road!  

Ready for the road!  

I spent part of the weekend cleaning and repacking the van, practicing setting up my new tent, working with my new kitchen gadgets, and generally getting ready for my trek.  I had to vacuum the van out in stages as it had soooo much stuff already for my trip.  Why bother, you say? Because my sister, who up to now had been borrowing the van for many months, has a full time job and an eight-year-old. So no time + hungry child = potato chip strewn van.  I didn't want to spend most of my trip fighting Mavis over not eating what's on the floor, so I vacuumed.  Initially I used one of those $10 Chinese-made jobs, but the carpeting in the van only laughed at that, so moved on to the car wash with their industrial vacuum.  The best $1.50 I've spent.  Oh, and by the way, I found a lot of detritus in the driver's seat too.  (Love you, Leigh...)

The tent is another story.  I ordered it from a somewhat spooky hunting/fishing/hometown militia merchandiser called The Sportsman's Guide.  I had done a bit of research and found that their prices were more competitive than even Amazon for a lot of camping supplies.  With the help of my friend Liz (who also purchased it for me), I decided to go with this tent, not realizing how freaking huge it was (and what that means putting it up alone). Practice, practice, practice.


My home for the next few months.  I can freaking stand in it.  What was I thinking?

This Week's Thank-yous

Okay, so I haven't posted thank-yous in fifteen days.  I've got a lot of mileage to make up for.  My thanks to Nancy Leavy for yet another wonderful financial contribution.  (Please see my post from September 23 for information about Nancy.)  Thanks again, Nancy!

Another one of my lovely financial backers is one of my oldest friends, Jacqueline Cunningham. I've known her since Mr. Smith's American Studies class in the Eighth Grade, where of course, she kicked my ass academically.  Since then she has taught me among other things, how to create the perfect espresso latte, how to find the perfect apartment on the cheap, and ironically how to camp.  She is now the co-chair of the English Language Learners department at Harold Washington College in Chicago.  I love you, Spot!  

Christine Jo Geymer, also a very old friend, has also elected to help me financially on my endeavor.  I've known her since I was six and since then have done everything from travel Italy with her to watching a Prince movie in Grant Park.  Love you and thank you so much!

Thank you Sue Bailey for your financial support as well!  I've known her as long as I have known Chris, since they are sisters.  For most of my adult life she has lived in Montana and is currently the manager of the Montana Adult and Disability Resource Center in Billings, a tough, challenging, but no doubt rewarding job.  

Lastly, I want to thank the continued support of my friend Shelagh Nikkel, massage therapist par excellence.  She has not only been a fantastic resource for all things camping, but she has contributed materially by buying me things like waterproof boots, a camping kitchenware set and most importantly, an annual pass to the U.S. National Parks.  She has done all of this for me with an open heart, all the while (unknowingly) suffering from a brain tumor.  I am pleased to report that in the past couple of weeks she has survived a surgery to take her tumor out, even walking around and joking the next day.  If anyone can stare down a brain tumor and succeed with flying colors, it's you, Shelagh.  I love you.  Thank you.

Friday Thank Yous

Thanks for returning!  I know I haven't written in a week, but I've been knee-deep in rolling up my life and packing up my condo.  I promise when I get going on the road I will make regular postings.  Stay tuned!  

This Friday I wanted to thank my mother Susan Knight.  What can I say?  She's my mom!  It is from her and my late father that I got the wanderlust bug early in my life.  She has recently been a stalwart rock of Gibraltar regarding my many ups and downs.  I hope at some point she will join me in my project as a "guest star", riding shotgun in the passenger seat, perhaps with her dog Fannie.  More on Mom to come!  (Thanks mom for the recent card and pin money.)

I also want to thank  aunt Leslie Lorenz.  Throughout my life she has shown nothing but support and love with a dash of silliness that I cherish to this day.  Her name, too will most definitely come up in the future. Recently, she contributed to my project.  Thank you for the funds, Auntie! 

This Week's Big Thank Yous

Hi there!  It's my first Friday since I've decided to go live.  I gonna try to set aside time every Friday to say special thanks to people who have helped me either financially or materially.  This being the first Friday Thank You post, I have a backlog:

First off, I want to thank my mother, Susan and sister, Leigh for lending me the minivan.  They've provided me with a comfortable conveyance which will enable me to literally move along in this endeavor.  I know that they will continue to come through for me in more ways than I can count.

Secondly, I want to thank my friend Liz Leavy.  I've known Liz longer than I haven't and I thank her from the bottom of my heart for putting the seed in my head to start this project.  Since that fateful discussion back in July, she has been there every step of the way, including giving me encouragement, buying me supplies, suggesting things to post, including pictures of Mavis to pose.  I can't thank her enough!

My first financial backer is Jo Margaret Mano.  She sent me a substantial check when she heard about my project.  I've known Jo for gosh, almost 25 years!  She was my urban planning and cartography professor back in my undergraduate days. She took me under her wing and mentored me in the mechanics of professional academia, including co-writing a professional paper and later presenting it at a geography conference.  I often wonder what would have happened to me if I had stuck with geography and pursued a masters degree in that or urban planning and/or cartography.  She reminded me that she was the one who originally turned me on to Blue Highways.  I love you Jo! 

My second financial backer is the indomitable Nancy Leavy.  I've known Nancy for a long time as well.  She is the mother of one of my dearest and oldest friends, Liz Leavy.  A former grade school teacher, she is a whirling dervish of energy of which she expends freely to people who she feels will contribute to society in a positive way.  As always, thank you, Nancy!

My third financial backer is my friend Wendy McClure.  I've known Wendy for decades now.  A fellow former DOOPer (Dear Old Oak Parker), she has been an inspiration to me with her early adoption of blogging and writing books, including her autobiography, I'm Not the New Me, which even featured my wedding in a memorable chapter!  Thank you, Wendy!


Bibliography Added

I added a bibliography page today.  I am including books, movies, music and video that have inspired me to create and execute this project as well as other materials that have been recommended to me by other people.  As I'm a librarian first and foremost, it would be criminal of me not to share these with you.  :) 

By the way: I invite anyone to contact me with books and other materials that you may suggest for this bibliography.  

Countdown to My Trip

Well, I did it.  I am officially on my own career-wise.  I'm sucking air out of the proverbial paper bag as we speak.  Now, on to cleaning my condo out, storing my belongings and prepping the minivan for the trip!  I'm hoping to leave in mid-October.

Now, I gotta do something that I'd rather eat glass than do:  I'm hitting you up for funds.  If you are interested in helping me with this dream and have a few dollars to spare, please hit me up at  I really, really appreciate it.

Me (center) with two of my FPPL homies, Ian and Roc at Goldyburgers in Forest Park, IL.  Photo by Betsy Webster

Me (center) with two of my FPPL homies, Ian and Roc at Goldyburgers in Forest Park, IL.  Photo by Betsy Webster

My last day at FPPL

Today is the big day!  I have left my position at the Forest Park Public Library in Forest Park, Illinois to go ahead and pursue this endeavor (as well as take care of some personal business).  I have worked at the library since January of 2011, starting as a graduate degree practicum and then later as an employee.  I have learned much about public librarianship, as well as community service.  I leave many memories and friends behind.  I'll post photos!